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Image by Lance Asper

ready to start now?

If you are ready to proceed with your investment, we can get your Distributor paperwork organised and your new products on the way to you right away!

How long does it take?


Once you've chatted to a member of our team about the best investment for your needs, you head over to our upload portal


We ask you to provide all the relevant details needed to complete your new application with Enagic. 


You then securely upload the relevant Identification documents to our portal and we are ready to proceed with completing your documents.


We send through your  completed Distributor or Consumer application forms, for you to ensure all details are correct - then you sign your documents digitally or manually and return to us for processing.


We arrange payment via Bank Transfer or Credit/Debit Card for your new investment.

Upon returning the remittance for your transfer / a copy of the card for payment; These documents are sent to Enagic for processing. You'll have your new Distributor ID within a few days.

Postage times for water Ionisers? Approximately a 1-2 week turn around time for delivery.

This is completed by courier to your door. 

Ukon products are delivered from overseas so they can take approximately one month to arrive.

which investment strategy is
right for you?

Single machine purchase

You can start your journey by purchasing any of Enagic's Machines - either one of their state of the art Water Ionisers or their Anespa Mineral Shower Spa

Meet the Team

We are building a network of Distributors throughout the World who are focused on building their dreams and laying the foundations for their success

If you would like to join us, reach out today and let's discuss the best way to get you started on your journey

are you ready to commit to the life you REALLY want?

Request a call back

Please fill out the following form below
if you would like to chat about joining Enagic

Thanks for submitting! A member of our team will be in touch soon!

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